Mr. Parvindra Singh
MOBILE NO.-09811410907 

Sigmatech Industrial Electronics
C-372, Ist Floor, Sector-10
Noida - 201 301, (Uttar Pradesh) (India)
  Phone. :

Proximity Switch/Photoelectric Sensors



Short & Long, Plastic, Metal or stainless Housing
Cylindrical and Rectangular flat pack housing
AC and DC type
Cable and Plug version
Diffuse reflective or through beam sensors R
Electroreflective with or without polorising filters
Color mark sensors and safety guards
Cylindrical and rectangular housing


Shaft Type Absolute Encoder



Compact size of 50 mm dia external diameter
Various output code ( BCD, Binary, Gray Cod)
Realization of High resolution
(720 Division, 1-024 division)



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